kinds of terror attacks do we have to expect in Europe, and how
dangerous are returning Foreign Fighters? Norwegian terror expert
Thomas Hegghammer* shares his insights in this interview with DIE
ZEIT: In the Paris attack, there was a link to Yemen. In Belgium,
where the police foiled a terror attack last week, we saw Syria
returnees among the suspects. In Germany, the police arrested several
Jihadists, some of whom had been to Syria, some of whom hadn't. What
do these instances tell us about the current threat?
Firstly, that it is varied indeed. The security services have to look
at different kinds of threats all the time. I would also add to the
list the sympathizers of the „Islamic State“ (IS). We have seen
plots hatched by IS sympathizers in North America, Australia and
Europe. In fact, there have been more plots by IS sympathizers than
by actual Syria returnees.
ZEIT: What do all these people have in common?
Apart from the fact that they are radical Islamists who want to
perpetrate violence? Not much, really. They don't organize formally.
They take good precautionary measures. That's about it. If you look
at their profiles, they are a very mixed bunch.
ZEIT: But it is clear, that the pool of potential terrorists is
bigger today than it was a few years ago. Does that mean this threat
is going to stay for quite a while?
O yes, at least for another decade! Syria and the IS phenomonen have
given Jihadism in Europe a new lease on life. We will be facing
threat levels like this for many years.
ZEIT: Should we expect more attacks, but on a smaller magnitude than
we were fearing before?
It's impossible to make good predication of frequency and scale. The
quantity need not go up, but it could. And attacks need not become
smaller, there can still be big ones like Madrid or London every now
and then. But I believe there are two new trends. We are currently
observing more attacks with hand-held weapons than with explosives.
And the attackers tend to seek out targets that leave little doubt
about the message - like Charlie Hebdo, Jewish schools, Policemen or
soldiers -, rather than, say, general transportation systems.
ZEIT: A lot of these plots seems to be results of calls to
„individual Jihad“ via „Inspire“ and other Jihadist
propaganda. Has this phenomenon now taken centre stage?
I am not sure. Look at Paris: the Kouachi brothers were part of an
old network, exactly like what we used to have in the 2000s. In
Belgium, we saw a rather large network of 10 to 15 people. That's not
exactly „invidiual Jihad“. The attacks in Ottawa and Sydney, on
the other hand, were. We have to understand that new tactics are
being added, but old ones are being kept.
ZEIT: You have worked extensively on „Foreign Fighters“. What's
more important as a driving factor: adventure and life stlye or
religion and ideology?
People leave for different reasons, but if I were to hightlight one,
it’s the desire to be part of a historical project. It's partly
escapism. These people want to get away from the West, from
corruption and discrimination, and they want to move into this
assumedly pure zone where they think they can find true Islam.
ZEIT: We like to think of the Western world as free and able to
accomodate all kinds of religious lifestyles. Why does this concept
not work for these people?
Disillusionment is not limited to radical Islamists. Many young
people across Europe are frustrated, see no future, are in opposition
to the current order. But they have no alternative. The secular,
drug-using delinquent in a Paris suburb – where is he going to go?
Islamists, in contrast, are being offered an escape route. So
availability is a factor here: Syria is easy to get to. It's an
utopia that is at hand.
ZEIT: Some Israeli soldiers escape to Goa after military service;
some leftists start communes when they are sick of consumerism; but
they usually don't turn into terrorists. Where does this element come
Jihadism is a destructive project, concealed in a constructive one.
They don't join in order to become terrorists. But they can become
terrorists in the process. And our problem is that radicalizing and
preparing to go abroad to fight is a kind of activity that is just
below the threshold of police intervention. In a way, the reason we
have a radicalization problem in Europe is that the Islamists are not
that radical. Because a lot of these networks stay clear of terrorist
plotting, there is little the state can do against them. If these
people were all organized terrorists, we wouldn't have any problem
defeating them. But as long as they are operating below that
threshold, our hand are tied. All these gateway groups, like
Sharia4Belgium, Sharia4Denmark, etc., they have become masters at
toeing the line.
ZEIT: So the window to act is too tiny?
Exactly. And we can't just lower the threshold, or we will end up
punishing people for opinions.
ZEIT: Is there any indication of how long it takes foreign fighters
to cool down once they return? Or do they stay radical?
We know very little about Syria returnees so far. But what we do know
is the proportion of people who returned from previous battlefields
and then plotted attacks. Before Syria, that rate was 1 out of 15 to
20. If you look at open source data about returnees from Syria who
were involved in terror plots across Europe, we have so far seen
about 10 plots with roughly 20 returnees involved. That is 20 out of
3000 who left to fight abroad, or 20 out of just over 1000 who have
already returned, repectively. So far, it is only a small minority
who have become terrorists. The question before us is: How do you
stop that minority without over-reacting towards the relatively
harmless majority?
ZEIT: But many returnees have only returned recently. Some of them
still may become active as terrorists...
Yes, that number will increase. But I think we can already say that
the rate is not going to be extremely high. Given the sheer numbers,
however, the absolute number of terror plots may well be higher than
ZEIT: How should our societies deal with this long-term threat?
Some intelligence services in Europe will have to substantially grow,
they need more analysts. Not necessarily new methods or new
survaillance powers. Adding data usually just means having to process
more data. Smarter analytical software can help, but we need more
brains, too. Our publics also need to be prepared for more news like
what we have heard in the past two weeks, and they need to be
persuaded not to panic. Mind you, we are still no-where near the
level of terrorist activitiy we had in the 70s and 80s from the far
left and far right. We should be able to psychologically tolerate
even an increase in terrorist activity.
ZEIT: What other measures are sensible?
We need a sophisticated system to deal with returnees. We need soft
measures to re-integrate those who can be re-integrated, and tough
measures to incarcerate those who need to be incarcerated. And there
is the internet. I am very aware of free speech concerns, but we have
reached a point where something needs to be done about the access of
Jhadis to broadcasting tools. JM Berger makes a really good point
about this when he argues that the question at stake is not in fact
free speech, given that Twitter and Facebook are really like TV
stations. Should these people have the right to voice their opinion?
Of course! Should they also have the right to broadcast them? Well, I
don't think so.
ZEIT: Prisons are also a problem in regard to radicalization.
And that is a true dillemma. You have three options, none of which is
great: Put Jihadists in a prison together, and they will wind each
other up. Spread them out, and you will have the risk of the radicals
radicalizing other people. Third option: Solitary confinement. But
that's inhumane. This dillemma is accentuated by the European
tradition of short sentences. In the US, Jhadists get very long
sentences. They die in prison or grow old there. In Europe, they will
be back on the streets after a few years. For me, all this is a good
argument for putting as few people in prison as possible.
ZEIT: How do you prepare for day X? Can resiliance be learnt?
That's almost impossible, because whether an attack has a unifying or
polarizing effect, has to do with the target. And you have no control
over that. Take Paris, for example: There is a lot of tension
now, the country hasn't simply united after the attack. And that has
to with the nature of the target. It was very controversial. When the
Twitter-Hashtag „JeSuisCharlie“ came up, that kind of forced
people to identify with that controversial target. And lo and behold,
within hours you had alternative Hashtags like „JeSuisAhmed“ or
„IamnotCharlie“. It was very different in Norway, when Breivik
killed 77 people, because it is hard to disagree that killing
children is bad. That made it much easier to stand together.

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